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SAUNO machines - three-axis automatic machines

Unlike two-axis schemes used in the production of other machines, SAUNO machines have an additional drive for moving the tool (needle) vertically (Z drive).

In SAUNO machines, such manual operations are completely eliminated:
- securing the workpiece in the machine or the machine on the stone;
- height adjustment of the workpiece;
- setting the workpiece according to the level;
- installation and check of the gap;
- calculating the indentation of the image from the edge of the stone.

Advantages of the three-axis SAUNO machine over two-axis machines

1. The tool position is automatically adjusted in height over a wide range - from 50mm to 120mm depending on the machine model.

SAUNO machine does not need to be adjusted to the thickness of the workpiece.


2. Automatic setting of the working gap.

The gap is the distance from the tip of the engraving needle to the surface of the workpiece. The gap is set before engraving begins.

It is necessary to maintain the accuracy of setting the gap within 10..20 microns, otherwise during engraving the brightness changes and the halftones are distorted.

SAUNO machines, set the gap automatically using an electronic level sensor.

Advantages of automatic gap setting:

-The electronic level sensor is more accurate than a feeler gauge, no adjustment is required and human factor is excluded.

An error when setting the gap leads to loss of engraving quality.

-The gap is set automatically, which is time saving.

3. SAUNO machines use an electronic sensor for monitoring the surface level.

It is impossible to install an electronic tracking system on a two-axis machine, since the electronic tracking system requires a vertical movement drive on the machine. Therefore, in two-axis machines mechanical systems are used in the form of stops or gap-forming bearings.

An electronic level sensor has significant advantages over mechanical tracking systems.

- Advantages of an electronic level sensor.

4. Automatic re-pass.

2-axis machines generally do not have an automatic repass function, since operator intervention is required to check and set the clearance when repassing. Therefore, to start a repeat pass, you must wait until the engraving is completed.

In the SAUNO machine, a repeat pass is done automatically. To do this, in the control program it is enough to press the “Repeat pass” button before or during work.

5. In SAUNO machines, the location of the image on the workpiece is set directly on the computer screen.

If necessary, you can easily adjust the size of the picture and the distances from the edges of the workpiece.

This convenient method eliminates operator errors that are easy to make with manual measurements.

4460 West Lexington Street, 60624 Chicago, IL, USA
tel.: +13129270444
tel.: +380681570030 (Viber/WhatsApp/Telegram)
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